Today, we will be exploiting the UAC Architecture - for developers wanting to become savvy on Windows, UAC is a abbreviation for User Account Control it is designed to allow individual processes to run in various Account Levels, additionally it protects the host from malicious software from gaining higher privileges without consent.
However Microsoft while developing UAC, and perform bug checks they forgot to notice Windows Command Preprocessor, functionality which defeats the purpose of Command Prompt.
As you know Windows Command Preprocessor has extremely rich parameter usage, which can be exploited in order to run a different program but UAC shows that the program is trusted:
*** The Username is blurred out, for obvious reasons ***
The above UAC is the default UAC which pops up, this UAC is also set to the highest level to show it works effectively on the most harshest\secure PC's.
While this look completely trustable, you can see the real-trick when we click on the "Show details" expander control located bottom-left.
Once we click that the true identity is shown:
As you may observed, only when we press "Show details" expander control located bottom-left we can see the true identity of this UAC alert, however majority of the time 80-90% of the Users tend to never click on show details especially if the UAC has a trusted software wanting elevation.
To show even more, if we press publishers, it shows Certificate is OK, many may think this is about the Malware but the certificate is CMD.exe's therefore we have performed Social Engineering Attack.
We can easily perform this via a simple call to ShellExecuteExA\W, with the lpVerb set to - "runas" and lpFile set to - location of Cmd.exe however to start our Malware as well we can use lpParameters to elevate our Malware like so - /c start %Malware Path%.
This technique will not only reduce huge amount of code and effort but is useful when deploying untrusted applications in the sense that it does not contain any digital signatures.
Source code:
As you may see I have not included entire source file such as headers as those can be added upon easily.
UAC is pretty secure itself such as prevents buffer overflows (to a certain extent of course) and such similar attacks however, it need more stricter settings by maybe show a label suggesting a parameter is added or showing additional details by default rather than giving user a choice.
As for the current UAC, it can still be "hacked" via a code injection into UAC when it pops up to hide the "show details" tab therefore evading prying eyes even further.
Stay Tuned,
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